Have customers in Rio but doesn’t have an office in the state;
Must provide personal services to a customer in Rio but lacks enough people and structure.
Trinity IT can be your local partner, in other words, the extension of your company in Rio.
Trinity IT already provides services like this with companies from other brazilian states, where technical calls from the customer’s facility in Rio are picked by the Trinity IT team. For the customers, the entire process is solved and, most importantly, their problems are solved.
Have branches in Rio but need a local IT distributor
Are setting up an office or already have an office in Rio but has no distributors who can provide technical support for the company’s network and its users.
Trinity IT is the right company for the job.
Trinity IT has some successful cases with foreign companies who have a branch in Rio and needs its technical support to be provided locally by people who know the subject. Working with Trinity IT equals high security and availability.
Smart Hands
Trinity TI’s Smart Hands services include
WhiteLabel Service for your Customer -
Assistance to your Client at Rio de Janeiro, if you do not have a local team or adequate Techinical skills -
Support to the Headquarters IT, its Carioca Branch, when without access or visibility over the local environment -
Equipment changes and reconfigurations that require local action -
Survey, documentation and mapping of equipment -
Specialized support in Networking, Servers and Firewalls -
Support for bring “on-Line” from “offline” equipment -
Support for migrations that require too long a time window for external teams
Resources Your Company Can Count On

Values traded according to the demand of each company

Agile and specialized customer service

Support tools for remote access and remote inspection