IT Technical Support in Rio de Janeiro, reducing your IT costs

Technical team prepared for On-Demand service, reducing your IT costs:

Complete solutions for IT Infrastructure Management and Outsourcing

To maintain an adequate IT outsourcing structure and a constantly updated technology park,
Having an infrastructure outsourcing area is essential, as well as practical and economical.

  • Agility in resolving incidents.
  • Capacity management in the execution of activities.
  • Centralization of incidents and problems.
  • Constant monitoring and updating according to technological developments.
  • Improvement and maintenance of the knowledge base.
  • Constant and integrated monitoring of the availability of outsourcing environments.
  • Focus on strategic issues and the company's core business.



  • Guilherme Goldenstein
    Cope Engenharia has been working with Trinity for over 4 years. We are sure that with the support offered, we can work with focus on our activity. With competent professionals who are always available, we are always well served, quickly and with extreme objectivity.
    Guilherme Goldenstein
    Cope Engenharia
  • José Antônio Rosa dos Santos
    A company only exists because it has customers and suppliers of goods and services. The market relationship network is formed by the complex set of different triads of suppliers-company-customers. Within this focus, I can say that I saw Trinity being conceived, born and prospering thanks to its mentor who installed and supported it from the first computer installed at Aerodynamics, in 1996, to the present day, with its renewed company. It is a source of pride to see such a solid relationship throughout this long period of service provision that we have received.
    José Antônio Rosa dos Santos
    Aerodinâmica Consultoria
  • Ricardo Villar
    For many years, Trinity, through Marco Aurélio, a great and beloved figure, and his extremely professional and capable team, has served us with excellence. In difficult times (when problems appear) they are always ready and active. Trinity TI is an important part of our Architecture and Urban Planning team with its essential services. May they continue like this, always evolving.
    Ricardo Villar
    Ricardo Villar Arquitetura e Urbanismo
  • Wagner B. da Fonseca
    The work developed by TrinityTI with our company allowed us, in recent years, to worry only about architecture. They enabled a leap in quality in our IT structure. It is a pleasure to have them as partners.
    Wagner B. da Fonseca
    L.ARQ Arquitetura e Planejamento
  • Gisele Taranto
    Always committed, committed and willing to solve our needs quickly and satisfactorily. The result is 8 years of a successful partnership, this is how long we have had Trinity responsible for our IT.
    Gisele Taranto
    Gisele Taranto
  • Chicô Gouvêa
    Trinity serves us very well, including in emergencies, which happen a lot. They usually have someone close to our office and arrive to get the machines working. The employees who serve us are super helpful.
    Chicô Gouvêa
    Chicô Gouvêa Arquitetura
  • Daniele Valle
    Having Trinity advising us allows us to dedicate the team's precious time to developing our projects, safe in the knowledge that our data and equipment are safe.
    Daniele Valle
  • Soraya Bessil
    After several attempts, we finally found the right IT company. They are serious people, dedicated and committed to what they do. They serve with promptness and seriousness! I have nothing but praise to give to everyone on the team! Thank you for the services provided.
    Soraya Bessil
    Saimel Engenharia
  • Edmundo Musa
    TRINITY has been supporting ARQ&URB Projetos for over 10 years and we are grateful for the peace of mind and security it conveys in a vital service for our entirely IT-based activity.
    Edmundo Musa
  • Eduardo Martins
    We have relied on Trinity's services since 2000 and in fact we understand that there is a partner, as it is committed to quality and punctuality.
    Eduardo Martins
    RJ Martins Arquitetura