Is Your Wi-Fi or Cable Network Secure?

Is an anti-virus enough to protect your network from risks caused by attackers? Do you know how many different types of viruses there are and what they can do to your computers and networks? 

Let’s get to know the main villains of Wi-Fi and Cable networks, which are the biggest causes of problems on computers and servers.


These are computer software that aim to monitor, store and send everything typed by the victim to a third party.


Any program whose function is to automatically run and display a large volume of advertisements, without the user having given due permission.


Mechanism used by various malware to promote remote access to software or the infected network. This program seeks to exploit undocumented problematic flaws in installed, outdated and firewall applications to gain access to the router.

Browser Hijacker

Computer virus that aims to change key browser settings. When installed, it modifies the homepage and search methods. They show advertisements on legitimate pages and redirect the user to malicious websites that cause more damage.

Trojam Horses 

Trojans remain hidden while they download and install threats on computers. Mensagens de e-mail, arquivos de música,   sites maliciosos são formas comuns de contraí-lo.


Rootkits are trojans that use advanced programming mechanisms to install themselves in deep or undocumented classes of the operating system. Among the various evils, its ability to reinstall itself even after cleaning the computer stands out.


This type of software has the characteristic of espionage and aims to capture data about users’ habits on the internet, with the aim of distributing targeted advertising.

Time Bomb

Time Bomb is a type of malware that has a countdown and is programmed to be executed at a certain time in the operating system, causing significant damage.


This type of computer virus has the function of self-replicating without the need to infect legitimate files, producing functional copies of itself, spreading quickly across the computer network.


It is malware that installs a wide range of software without the user’s permission.

Joke Program

Mechanisms or codes created to cause temporary damage to the operating system, such as crashes and unexpected changes in behavior.


They are a series of prepared commands that can be configured in programs such as Word and Excel, creating documents with specific instructions and reaching other specific data or plans.


They retain files or the user’s entire system through encryption techniques. The hijacker, as it is commonly known, presents messages that require a deposit, to purchase merchandise, which never arrives.

Trojam Banking

It is the Trojan developed to access banking data, social networks, shopping sites and email servers.

These miscreants are responsible for losses in the performance of computers, networks and servers, often causing the error of performing upgrades to solve them. They can also cause financial damage when the confidentiality of banking data is breached. 

Yes, Security is a serious matter and needs to be managed by professionals! Here at Trinity we have a team capable of providing a safe experience for network and internet users.

Receive a consultation now and evaluate how security is going in your IT structure.

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