The World in the Clouds

The first Computer only appeared in 1945, after the end of the War. ENIAC was developed at the University of Pennsylvania and its concept conceived by John Eckert and John Mauchly. Storage wasn’t its strong point, nor was portability. The ENIAC weighed 30 tons and was, in short, a powerful calculator. 

Technology follows the need for Science, in terms of structure, so that scientific progress continues to flow. Even with all the efforts of scientists, it is often necessary to postpone a project due to its lack of viability. What is unfeasible may be the difficulty of mining a natural resource to produce a component, due to the lack of technology, climate change, skilled labor and many other factors.

O primeiro disco rígido foi construído pela IBM em 1956, e foi lançado em 16 de Setembro de 1957. It was made up of 50 magnetic disks containing 50,000 sectors, each supporting 100 alphanumeric characters, totaling a capacity of 5 megabytes and one made at that time. Today we carry 1 terabytes in our pocket and for many this is far from being enough. 

Storage is power! The more data that can be stored, the greater the achievements of science will be in the future. That’s why so much has been invested throughout history, information is the core of our social structure, which only exists because written communication tried to preserve many data. 

The world has changed, the world population has exploded and now there are almost 8 billion of us. The Planet has become incapable of offering physical resources for the IT industry. The other pain is the accumulation of technological waste, which has become an environmental issue. Not to mention that large-scale production to meet the demands of the modern world is on the verge of exhausting natural resources. It was necessary to reinvent yourself, as progress never stops! 

Six decades ahead of IBM’s HD, cloud storage was born, technology that allows users and companies to store, maintain and access data on high-availability servers via the internet. IT Companies start to invest heavily in Hardware, Software and Security structures to guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of data stored online. Will this be the end of hard drives? 

More conservative consumers prefer to have everything at their fingertips or on their own servers, which immediately requires maintenance and compliance with data protection. The problem is that the material one day falls apart and with hard drives this can lead to the loss of important data, which can never be recovered.

Global Access, Availability, Security, Professional Management, Reduction of Technological Waste, Reduction of Maintenance Costs and Hardware Acquisition, are some of the benefits that make the Cloud service an indispensable solution for the development of Modern Society.

Is it a good idea to invest in Cloud Technology? Of course, we at Trinity are experts in this innovation!

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